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Find Support at Queen Mary Hospital

Sources of Referral

Tourette Syndrome clinic is established to provide specialized service for patients with Tourette Syndrome. We accept referrals from Child Assessment Centre of Department of Health, general practitioners, doctors of Hospital Authority and General Out-Patient Clinics, professionals from Education Bureau, schools and social workers.

Scope of Services
  • Medical Consultation
    Patients and their relatives will be seen by a child psychiatrist for initial history taking and clinical assessment to identify diagnoses and problem areas. A comprehensive treatment plan will be formulated for each individual patient. Medical follow-ups will be arranged on a regular basis to monitor the progress of the individual.

  • Day Hospital
    For selected cases, where further observation and assessment are deemed necessary, assessment sessions will be arranged at our day hospital. A multidisciplinary team, including psychiatric nurses, occupational therapists, speech therapists, Red Cross School teachers, a clinical psychologist and medical social worker will be involved in the assessment. A meeting will be held after completion of the assessment to summarize the findings, develop a case formulation and derive a future treatment plan for the patient. A feedback session will be provided to parents to communicate the result of the assessment.

  • Tourette Syndrome Workshop
    Tourette Syndrome workshop will be held regularly in our Day Hospital. It aims to reduce stigmatization and to equip patients with skills to manage their own symptoms. It consists of a psycho-educational talk and three sessions of parent-child training on Habit Reversal approach.

  • Nurse Clinic
    Our child psychiatric nurses will provide 3 sessions of individual training to patients and their carers on the management of Tourette Syndrome. It will include premonitory urge awareness training and competing response training. In addition, nurse clinic will also provide counseling and psycho-educational services for the patients, caregivers, schools and community.